Research shows those who have disclosed aspects of their mental illness report a sense of personal empowerment and an increase in confidence to seek and achieve individual goals. HOP is a three-session group program run usually by pairs of trained leaders with lived experiences with the objective of reducing the self-stigma associated with mental illness.

The three lessons include:


1. Considering the Pros and Cons of Disclosing: 

  • My identity and mental illness.
  • Weighing the costs and benefits of disclosing.

2. Different ways to Disclose: 

  • Five different disclose decisions.
  • Testing a person for disclosure. 
  • How might others respond to my disclosure?

3. Telling your Story: 

  • How to tell a personally meaningful story.
  • Review how telling my story felt.
  • Who are peers that might help me with coming out? 
  • Putting it all together to move forward.

The Honest, Open, Proud program is made possible by a generous donation from Patricia Price.