Interested in Becoming a Trained Facilitator?

Facilitators typically work in pairs to run HOP sessions for 6-10 participants and lead discussions, guide completion of provided worksheets, and support participants through the 3 phases of the program. Facilitators use a comprehensive, user-friendly HOP manual with a step-by-step workbook and corresponding worksheets to run HOP groups. Facilitators can receive a two-day training before leading HOP groups. To learn more about cost and hosting options, email Madeline Oppenheim at 

Join our Discord Server! 

HOP offers an online discussion group and community platform on Discord for individuals looking to become facilitators or master trainers of HOP.  Click the button below to join!

Discord is a communication platform designed for users to have the ability to communicate with each other through voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats, or as part of communities called “servers”. The Honest, Open, Proud server has a public online forum called #hopcommunity, and several private online forums (Certified Recovery Support Specialist, HOP + Technology, HOP + Grant Funding, HOP + Facilitator Training) that you can be invited to be a part of. If interested in these private groups,  or for more information, privacy concerns, or to join a private  group, click on the button above and contact Madeline either thru Discord or via email at Visit here for any concerns about privacy of information using the Discord platform.

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