Mental Health Unity Campaign
The Mental Health Unity (MHU) Campaign is the product of work by Mrs. Kristin Kosyluk and Dr. Patrick Corrigan, supported by the Scattergood Foundation ( through the Active Minds ( Emerging Scholars Fellowship 2010 and the Center on Adherence and Self-Determination (P20 MH085981). MHU, inspired by the LGBTQ SafeSpace Campaign, aims to promote an environment of solidarity and support on college campuses for student with mental illnesses and psychiatric disabilities.

Ultimately, this campaign is meant to promote solidarity amongst students with mental illnesses and psychiatric disabilities and between students with mental illnesses and members of their campus communities, including other students, faculty, and staff.
What do we mean by “solidarity?”

By displaying this logo, one is sending the message to their campus community that they stand in solidarity with students with mental illness and thereby agree to uphold the following principles of Mental Health Unity:
* The stigma surrounding mental illness and college students is wrong, and must be eliminated.
* College students with mental illness are capable individuals who are valued members of our campus community and should be treated accordingly.
* I will speak out against stigma and discrimination towards college students with mental illness.
The below manuscripts are currently in review for publication. They describe the philosphy behind the campaign and the development of the campaign’s logo.
Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., Jones, N., James, D., Abelson, S., & Malmon, A. Promoting a Supportive Environment on College Campuses for Students with Mental Illness. Manuscript submitted Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin. Click here to download the manuscript.
Kosyluk, K.A., Corrigan, P.W., Schmidt, A. A Campus Solidarity Campaign: Promoting Respect and Support for College Students with Mental Illness. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Adolescent Health. Click here to download the manuscript.